I come from Uganda. I was visiting friends in Vancouver Canada. During my trip, I was invited to go sturgeon fishing in the Fraser River with a guide. I have never fished in a river before, nor have I ever fished with a guide. My family grew up near Lake Victoria, the largest lake in Africa. Fisherman often fished for tilapia or Nile Perch for our food. Nile perch can reach a few hundred pounds in Lake Victoria.
Our trip started in the early morning where we met Yves on the river. Yves was in his boat and had all our bait set up for fishing. He had coffee which was great because March in Canada is much colder than March in Uganda.
I will never forget our fishing trip. We caught 8 fish. Four of the fish were at least 6 ft long. I caught the biggest one. It was over 7 feet long and probably a few hundred pounds. I couldn’t believe we had to let it go. This one fish could have fed our entire village!
We could have caught lots more smaller fish, but my friend wanted to target only the very biggest ones.
Yves believes very strongly in conservation. He made sure we handled the fish very carefully and had a sling on the side of the boat for most of the fish so he could check to see if they were tagged and record the information. Two fish wouldn’t fit in the sling so we brought them close to shore instead.
I can’t believe how good the fishing was and I think the sturgeon are in great hands with Yves. If you want a really great sturgeon fishing trip, you need to talk to Yves.