I have been fishing with Yves Bisson several times now. I guess when you’ve been guiding for 20 years, you learn pretty much everything about the sturgeon locations, feeding habits, and best methods to safely catch them. Well Yves certainly fits that bill…
Here are my top 5 reasons why I feel there is no better Fraser River Sturgeon Fishing Guide than Yves Bisson:
Fish Knowledge
Yves probably knows more than the sturgeon do about how they grow, what they eat at different times of the year, and how to catch them. When fishing with Yves, I am always fascinated by the information he has about the great white sturgeon.
River Knowledge
The Fraser River is no joke. It is filled with hazards that can sink a boat ranging from sand bars, huge logs and crazy currents. Being a silty river, you can’t see more than a foot or two into the water. Knowing where you are going and how to avoid trouble is imperative in keeping safe.
Emphasis on Conservation & Preservation
Yves is one of the lead individuals in the Sturgeon Conservation program. Over the past 20 years of guiding, Yves has caught nearly 20,000 Sturgeon as part of this program. Every single fish is checked to see if it is tagged. If tagged, the date, the fish ID, location, length, and girth is recorded. If the sturgeon is not tagged, a tag is inserted just behind the head. This information is extremely valuable in determining the health of the White Sturgeon in the Fraser River.
You can tell Yves really cares about the health of the sturgeon. When handling a caught sturgeon, Yves is very particular and regimented. Larger fish generally need appropriate time to recover to minimize any potential stress to the fish. Smaller fish are released pointed upstream and only once they have had sufficient time to recuperate if necessary.
Yves is definitely the consummate professional. He is very organized, structured and punctual. He treats his clients with respect and is friendly. Yves really wants you to do well, whether it means catching lots of smaller sturgeon or targeting the monsters. You get a safety brief when coming on board and he makes sure the fishing regulations are followed.
Top of the Line Equipment
Yves has the best equipment. Last thing you want is the line breaking when catching this amazing dinosaur of a fish. Fishing rods and reels are top of the line. Fishermen are supplied with quality waders & boots to ensure a leak-free photo of the catch of your life.
If you are looking for a sturgeon fishing guide, I would not recommend anyone else besides Yves Bisson.